Apr 1, 2011


After years of just harvesting lumber from Ashenvale's lush forest, the new Horde leader Garrosh Hellscream has pushed the Horde's presence in Ashenvale much further. Although the Alliance has taken over much of the Warsong Lumber Camp, Zoram'gor Outpost remains under Horde control, having been changed into a heavily fortified outpost and dock, from the simple troll village it was before Deathwing's forced reforging of the world. Most of the night elf villages in the area have seen the heavy hand of the Horde, many having been attacked, taken over, or razed to the ground. The village of Astranaar is constantly under threat by Horde air raids, but so far, is still under the Alliance's control.
Deathwing's reforging has also cause a volcano to burst from the ground and erupt along the border between Ashenvale and Felwood, where many fire elementals now wander, attacking anything that crosses their path. Many ancient trees around the lava's path are still burning, their leaves having turned greyed and turned to ash with the volcano's eruption. At the peak of the volcano sits a huge fire elemental, occasionally screaming at seemingly nothing, as the magma churns and bubbles beneath it.

<b>What do these changes have to do with me?</b>
Well, young Horde child, Ashenvale is now a much more dangerous place, especially with more Alliance roaming around. They have many encampments now, some of which include:
  • Forest Song, near the Warsong Lumber Camp
  • Stardust Spire, southwest of Astranaar 
  • A small camp by Orindel's Retreat
Another large part of the changes has to do with the volcano in the middle of the country. At the very least, the fire elementals are a great threat to the flora and fauna around the lava's path. Hopefully a brave adventurer can defeat the large elemental atop the volcano, and at the very least, start the process of cooling the volcano. After all, if one looks at a map of the area, Hellscream's Watch is roughly the same distance as the lava flow, but to the west. As far as I know now, anyone in the Watch is on alert for another eruption, and teams of Horde monitor the elementals and the volcano.

Here is the country's map, re-drawn after the changes were logged in Ashenvale:
Here is a larger version of the map: Ashenvale

Here are a couple of images captured of the volcano and the fire elementals:

I shall write more later, as I am off via flight to Azshara.

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