Apr 1, 2011


The Bilgewater Cartel goblins have taken over Azshara, and to show their allegiance to the Horde, have shaped the earth to resemble the Horde insignia! There is also now a huge dig site in the heart of Azshara, and a goblin rocketway twisting and turning around the landscape. A great many naga have been pushed out of the ruins along the beaches, and most of the ruins have been destroyed. Although, due to the excavation and the terraforming, many new sites have been discovered. Also, the trade prince of the Bilgewater Cartel has set up his own "pleasure palace" in the realm.

What do these changes have to do with me?
It's unknown as of this moment how much the goblins have altered the course of Azshara's ecosystem by inputting many generators, terraforming the land, and digging out the middle of the country, but so far, all that seems to be affected are the flora around the generators that seem to catch fire a lot, and end up setting any goblin nearby aflame as well. Simply avoid the flaming goblins, and perhaps talk with the Cartel about changing their power source, as those generators seem to put out a lot of black smoke.

A photo of a generator "accidentally" on fire:

A part of the rocketway (is this even up to safety regulations?):

A view of the dig site:

Off to Darkshore now.

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