Apr 1, 2011


The port town of Auberdine, controlled by the Alliance has been...you know what? Darkshore sucks. Attempting to fly through this area was just about impossible because of the GIANT TORNADO that Deathwing stirred up. I just about fell off my wind rider twice. TWICE! I'm an expert rider! But it's not just the tornado; it seems to rain quite frequently in this country, and tidal waves still slam into the shore with a biting ferocity. As I was saying earlier, Auberdine was destroyed by these same tidal waves and the storms, and the Alliance has had to move Lor'danel north in an effort to protect their city from the storm. However, this has caused an unexpected break for the Horde, as Hellscream to push farther into the country, setting up encampments in the southern part of the zone. The elementals that are usually quite passive and protect the earth are now running wild and slaughtering everything they can see.

So, what does this mean for me?
Besides the rampaging elementals, the wicked tidal waves, giant tornado, and the ever-present threat of the Alliance? Nothing. The tornado will probably tear up everything in its path, the elementals will most likely destroy a good portion of the eco-system, and who knows what the Alliance left in Auberdine that has since washed out into the Veiled Sea, contaminating gods know what?
I'm sick of this country and it's stupid tornado. I'm off to Desolace.

The Map of Darkshore. Shows the relative position of that damned tornado:

Here is a picture of the tornado, also more lava and fire. Always an excellent item to add to a swirling vortex.

The ruins of Auberdine:

More ruins of... Maker! What on the elder's green earth is that!

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